Dr. Gwenfair Adams appointed a Senior Fellow of Newton House

Newton House welcomes Dr. Gwenfair Adams to join its body of senior scholars.

 Dr. Adams is Professor of Church History and Spiritual Formation at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary in Massachusetts, USA. She is also a board member of the Union Foundation.

With a PhD in history from Cambridge University, Dr. Adams specialises in Medieval and Reformation studies, especially in relation to spirituality and the history of worship. Her publications include Reformation Commentary on Scripture, Romans 1–8 (IVP Academic, 2019) and Visions in Late Medieval England: Lay Spirituality and Sacred Glimpses of the Hidden Worlds of Faith (E.J. Brill, 2007). She is a leader of the women’s track at Reformation Fellowship conferences.

Dr. Adams is married to D. Kevin Adams, the senior pastor of East Baptist Church in Lynn, MA.


Dr. Donald Fairbairn to be Dean of Newton House


Newton House Conference 2022